幾年前在網上看到這篇文章的連結,以為是教入門chord的(所以改了這樣的標題),姑且存了下來打算將來仔細研究,今天看看發覺文章仍在但示範的片已消失了(於是在標題加了一個問號),當年結他手Jim Lill拍了兩條教chord的片,Part 1教以下:
C#m7(no 5), Badd4/D#, E/A, D9(no 3), Bm7(no 5), F#m7add4, and Gsus4add6/B.
Part 2則是教:
Fmaj7sus2, Esus2/G#, Dadd4, Eadd9, Gmaj7(no3), F#7add4 and Badd4.
當然,每一個chord有適合使用的key,chord progression/substitution ,我音樂造詣乃有限公司,如果有有心人讀到本文知道答案,請分享。
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Friday, April 24, 2020
Playing with soundfonts
As I mentioned earlier, I "revived" my old toy: Akai EWI-USB. With too much free time, I decided to experiment with different instruments ("virtual" of course) I am already bored with the ones that came with the Aria software. This software actually allows user to import new MIDI soundfont in .sfz format. I tried the few available ones. And I realized there are more MIDI soundfonts in .sf2 formats. So obviously I put my Com Sci hat on and look for any sf2->sfz converter, turns out there is a Mac software that can do that (plus more): Sforzando. I believe it actually shares some underlying code/library/engine with Aria and I can play my EWI with it instead of Aria (simply need to choose the EWI as the MIDI input) And adding instrument is easy: drag the .sf2 to it when the software just started. It would automatically convert .sf2 to .sfz.
Finally, there is yet another way to play with .sf2 directly, via the free DAW software LMMS (of course I would assume many Mac users have chosen Garage Band as the DAW) According to the documentation, one can add VST instruments to LMMS (which I haven't really tried as I have only downloaded a .dll which is for Windows of course) LMMS has a built-in "instrument" called "Sf2 Player" which I just need to drag to the Song-Editor to use it. Then under the "piano" tab, choose the EWI as the MIDI input. Then load your .sf2 file under the "plug-in" tab and pick your instrument. I experimented with a Chinese DiZi sound that is really nice (I used to play DiZi when I was a kid) The Dizi is actually a VST instrument that I downloaded here. The download is a zip file and it contains a .sf2 file (as well as the aforementioned .dll that I cannot use on my Mac)
![]() |
Enable MIDI Input here |
Finally, there is yet another way to play with .sf2 directly, via the free DAW software LMMS (of course I would assume many Mac users have chosen Garage Band as the DAW) According to the documentation, one can add VST instruments to LMMS (which I haven't really tried as I have only downloaded a .dll which is for Windows of course) LMMS has a built-in "instrument" called "Sf2 Player" which I just need to drag to the Song-Editor to use it. Then under the "piano" tab, choose the EWI as the MIDI input. Then load your .sf2 file under the "plug-in" tab and pick your instrument. I experimented with a Chinese DiZi sound that is really nice (I used to play DiZi when I was a kid) The Dizi is actually a VST instrument that I downloaded here. The download is a zip file and it contains a .sf2 file (as well as the aforementioned .dll that I cannot use on my Mac)
Monday, April 13, 2020
Combining my new toys
I guess adults are no different from kids. I recall back in the days when I got a new toy, I would think of ways to play it with the old ones. I dug out my old Akai USB-EWI and connect it to GarageBand on my new iPad to play with the sounds available, which is fun. Next I want to combine the sound from the iPad with the background track played via Audacity on my Mac (where I can import an mp3 and change tempo/pitch, remove vocal... etc) However, my MacBook Air does not offer the headphone jack as a line-in so I cannot output the signal from my iPad to it. Then I realized I do have a new Tascam US-32 audio interface sitting around that can do the job! So, here are all the glory details of the setup:
Akai USB-EWI to USB hub
USB hub to iPad via the "Camera" lightning adapter
iPad headphone out to Tascam US-32 line-in
Tascam US-32 USB out to Mac
Tascam US-32 headphone out to headphone.
In Audacity on Mac, choose Tascam US-32 as both the input and output device. Play the track and the Akai USB-EWI as the same time and you can hear them in the headphone together.
Of course that's not a very practical live performance setup but it's fun and cool to know I have the equipments to do it!
Akai USB-EWI to USB hub
USB hub to iPad via the "Camera" lightning adapter
iPad headphone out to Tascam US-32 line-in
Tascam US-32 USB out to Mac
Tascam US-32 headphone out to headphone.
In Audacity on Mac, choose Tascam US-32 as both the input and output device. Play the track and the Akai USB-EWI as the same time and you can hear them in the headphone together.
Of course that's not a very practical live performance setup but it's fun and cool to know I have the equipments to do it!
Friday, April 10, 2020
Akai EWI-USB Experience with Catalina
超過一年沒有吹過我的Akai EWI-USB,因為上次發現故障,又不想送去維修,最近在網上直播見有人吹,於是我即管再試試,原本裝的軟件由於OS更新到Catalina已經無法使用,到Akai官網方知出了Catalina的版本,立即安裝,不過依然吹不出聲,靈機一觸,也許是USB接線有問題?換了一條試試證實果然是接線出事!得知EWI沒問題,又試試駁iPad玩玩,最新版本的GarageBand有琵琶二胡和古箏的聲音可使用,以後玩中國風音樂就派上用場了。
Thursday, April 09, 2020
記得中學時代讀音樂雜誌,有小小的古典專欄,其中一位樂評人十分推崇華格納這組歌劇,之後買了一張純器樂版本的The Ring without words, 是我常播的唱片,而完整的歌劇錄音也偶然會聽,不過始終未欣賞過完整有視像的演出,直至兩週前紐約大都會歌劇院因應疫情免費每晚播出一套歌劇,更攪了一個華格納週,包括Tristan and Isolde, 四套指環組曲,The Mastersingers of Nuremburg,最後一晚以Tannhäuser壓軸,才有緣觀看全套。
我即管試試在一篇短短帖文介紹一下指環整個故事:話說侏儒族人Alberich在萊茵河遇到三個美麗河女,嘗試追求卻慘被愚弄,不過三女向他透露了萊茵河黃金的秘密:如果打造成一隻指環,戴上它可以擁有無比權力,不過只有斷情者才能辦到,Alberich聽到後決意斷情,搶去黃金,找他弟弟鑄金師Mime成功打造這隻指環,還再加一個戴上後可以隨意變身的頭盔。那邊廂就講Wotan(即北歐神話的Odin, 現今Marvel電影中Thor的父王)一家的故事,他找了巨人族幫他家興建神殿堡壘,望著完工的神殿,Wotan既興奮又有點愁:因為要找數,代價是他太太Fricka的妹妹Freia!他弟弟Loge(即電影中的Loki)告知大家萊茵河黃金造指環權力無比之事,巨人就決定以該指環作報酬,不過還是捉了姨仔做抵押!接著Wotan和Loge去了找Alberich,Loge設了一個局,先叫Alberich變條龍,再變隻青蛙,就被捉著,最終要獻出指環黃金及頭盔才能贖身,不過最後Alberich下了詛咒:誰拿了他的指環都會活在恐懼,然後被奪指環及被殺!Wotan和Loge拿了戰利品找巨人兄弟贖姨仔身,結果詛咒應驗,巨人兄弟自相殘殺!接著的第二部曲是女武神,當中的音樂相信最為人所熟悉,此段不像之前般複雜,主線是Wotan和人類亂搞生出來的Siegmund和Sieglinde兩兄妹,兩兄妹自小失散,後者被擄後嫁作敵對族人Hunding為妻,Siegmund長大後造訪敵村,遇上Sieglinde,成為了愛人(無錯,是亂倫),Hunding要和Siegmund決鬥,Siegmund找來Wotan留下之神劍Nothung,本來勝算在握,Wotan也派了女兒Brünnhilde去監戰兼做馬幫兒子,誰知Wotan太太Fricka乃係掌管婚姻之神,要幫Hunding, 結果Brünnhilde抗命,Wotan還是親自出馬做手腳令劍斷,Siegmund被殺,而Wotan也在一怒之下了結Hunding! 然後還要罰Brünnhilde,令她由神變回凡人,並被火圍,要靠將來一個英雄去打救。第三部曲正是以這個英雄命名:Siegfried,他就是Siegmund和Sieglinde的「愛情結晶品」,Alberich弟弟Mime遇見難產臨終前的Sieglinde,後者托孤,Mime順手帶走斷為兩截的神劍Nothung, 後來在Siegfried督促下,作為鑄金聖手的Mime始終無法成功把神劍續回(應該去中土找明教才對)結果是Siegfried偷師成功接駁神劍,並以此屠(巨人所變的)龍取得指環,去救出Brünnhilde。最後一部是「眾神的黃昏」:Siegfried救了Brünnhilde後,把指環給了她,又去闖蕩江湖,去到Gibichungs地帶,那裡有國王Gunther, 他的同父異母(或同母異父?)兄弟Hagen(也是侏儒Alberich的兒子)和妹妹Gutrune, Hagen和Gutrune都要找配偶,Hagen請Siegfried喝了「忘情水」後,後者就忘了Brünnhilde,反而建議Hagen和Brünnhilde成為一對,而自己則和Gutrune一起!Siegfried戴了「變臉頭盔」扮成Hagen去找Brünnhilde,拿回指環並強行令Hagen和Brünnhilde成親,過了一晚。那邊廂Alberich找兒子Hagen說一定要搶回Siegfried手中的指環,而Brünnhilde知道Siegfried背信棄義後很傷心,故意讓Hagen知道她和Siegfried過了一夜挑起仇恨,最終Siegfried被Hagen所殺。Gutrune對情郎被殺很傷心,但Hagen把責任推給Gunther, 兩人打起來而Gunther被殺,最終Brünnhilde取回指環,自己戴上指環一同殉身。萊茵河氾濫,Hagen試圖搶回指環,被萊茵河女拖入水底,指環物歸原主,而大火將Wotan城堡吞噬。
我即管試試在一篇短短帖文介紹一下指環整個故事:話說侏儒族人Alberich在萊茵河遇到三個美麗河女,嘗試追求卻慘被愚弄,不過三女向他透露了萊茵河黃金的秘密:如果打造成一隻指環,戴上它可以擁有無比權力,不過只有斷情者才能辦到,Alberich聽到後決意斷情,搶去黃金,找他弟弟鑄金師Mime成功打造這隻指環,還再加一個戴上後可以隨意變身的頭盔。那邊廂就講Wotan(即北歐神話的Odin, 現今Marvel電影中Thor的父王)一家的故事,他找了巨人族幫他家興建神殿堡壘,望著完工的神殿,Wotan既興奮又有點愁:因為要找數,代價是他太太Fricka的妹妹Freia!他弟弟Loge(即電影中的Loki)告知大家萊茵河黃金造指環權力無比之事,巨人就決定以該指環作報酬,不過還是捉了姨仔做抵押!接著Wotan和Loge去了找Alberich,Loge設了一個局,先叫Alberich變條龍,再變隻青蛙,就被捉著,最終要獻出指環黃金及頭盔才能贖身,不過最後Alberich下了詛咒:誰拿了他的指環都會活在恐懼,然後被奪指環及被殺!Wotan和Loge拿了戰利品找巨人兄弟贖姨仔身,結果詛咒應驗,巨人兄弟自相殘殺!接著的第二部曲是女武神,當中的音樂相信最為人所熟悉,此段不像之前般複雜,主線是Wotan和人類亂搞生出來的Siegmund和Sieglinde兩兄妹,兩兄妹自小失散,後者被擄後嫁作敵對族人Hunding為妻,Siegmund長大後造訪敵村,遇上Sieglinde,成為了愛人(無錯,是亂倫),Hunding要和Siegmund決鬥,Siegmund找來Wotan留下之神劍Nothung,本來勝算在握,Wotan也派了女兒Brünnhilde去監戰兼做馬幫兒子,誰知Wotan太太Fricka乃係掌管婚姻之神,要幫Hunding, 結果Brünnhilde抗命,Wotan還是親自出馬做手腳令劍斷,Siegmund被殺,而Wotan也在一怒之下了結Hunding! 然後還要罰Brünnhilde,令她由神變回凡人,並被火圍,要靠將來一個英雄去打救。第三部曲正是以這個英雄命名:Siegfried,他就是Siegmund和Sieglinde的「愛情結晶品」,Alberich弟弟Mime遇見難產臨終前的Sieglinde,後者托孤,Mime順手帶走斷為兩截的神劍Nothung, 後來在Siegfried督促下,作為鑄金聖手的Mime始終無法成功把神劍續回(應該去中土找明教才對)結果是Siegfried偷師成功接駁神劍,並以此屠(巨人所變的)龍取得指環,去救出Brünnhilde。最後一部是「眾神的黃昏」:Siegfried救了Brünnhilde後,把指環給了她,又去闖蕩江湖,去到Gibichungs地帶,那裡有國王Gunther, 他的同父異母(或同母異父?)兄弟Hagen(也是侏儒Alberich的兒子)和妹妹Gutrune, Hagen和Gutrune都要找配偶,Hagen請Siegfried喝了「忘情水」後,後者就忘了Brünnhilde,反而建議Hagen和Brünnhilde成為一對,而自己則和Gutrune一起!Siegfried戴了「變臉頭盔」扮成Hagen去找Brünnhilde,拿回指環並強行令Hagen和Brünnhilde成親,過了一晚。那邊廂Alberich找兒子Hagen說一定要搶回Siegfried手中的指環,而Brünnhilde知道Siegfried背信棄義後很傷心,故意讓Hagen知道她和Siegfried過了一夜挑起仇恨,最終Siegfried被Hagen所殺。Gutrune對情郎被殺很傷心,但Hagen把責任推給Gunther, 兩人打起來而Gunther被殺,最終Brünnhilde取回指環,自己戴上指環一同殉身。萊茵河氾濫,Hagen試圖搶回指環,被萊茵河女拖入水底,指環物歸原主,而大火將Wotan城堡吞噬。
Thursday, April 02, 2020
我的直播setup with condenser mic
繼昨天成功測試用Tascam US32內置咪做直播,今天再實驗一下使用我已有的Samson Go Mic,這是個收音效果不俗的condenser mic, 由於此mic輸出是USB, 所以接駁上做了一些改動:
行K歌App的電話接上MiniUSB-USB adapter, 再接MicroUSB線入Samson Go Mic, 而Go Mic的headphone output則用線接入Tascam US32機前的line-in.
Tascam US32機面左方的mic selector轉1號,即不使用內置咪,因為入機的訊號已包含人聲加伴奏。
Samson Go Mic夾在譜架邊,Tablet前端,人在二尺左右距離的音量剛好;其餘照舊。
行K歌App的電話接上MiniUSB-USB adapter, 再接MicroUSB線入Samson Go Mic, 而Go Mic的headphone output則用線接入Tascam US32機前的line-in.
Tascam US32機面左方的mic selector轉1號,即不使用內置咪,因為入機的訊號已包含人聲加伴奏。
Samson Go Mic夾在譜架邊,Tablet前端,人在二尺左右距離的音量剛好;其餘照舊。
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
最近對做網上直播產生了極大好奇心(看完阿嬌打賞六皮的新聞就更鼓舞),下載了那個有份攪中國好聲音海外選拔的直播平台的App到Tablet試玩,發覺要加伴奏唱歌其實也不是那麼容易,當然可以用另一部機(電腦/電話)的speaker播伴奏,然後靠Tablet的米高風收音(我唱+伴奏),但作為音樂及電子器材玩家的我怎能如此沒要求呢?先看看家中已有器材:Lightning-USB adapter, USB Condenser mic, 可惜就是少了一個可以把人聲和伴奏混在一起入Tablet的audio interface, 經過一番research, 奇怪祖國網頁的資訊也不太多,Yamaha AG03這部3 channel mixer算是頗為流行,只是貴了一點,結果找到售價三份一的Tascam US32, 測試完可分享一下經驗,以下照片可見我如何接駁:
行某K歌App的電話由headphone out接入Tascam US32機前的line-in.
2.5mm headphone接入Tascam US32機前作監聽(其實有3.5mm headphone插口,不過我的monitor級headphone是open back會漏出聲音被再錄有欠理想)
Tascam US32機背接miniUSB線到USB charger供電,另一條跟機的USB cable則接到Tablet的Lightning USB adapter。
Tascam US32機面左方的mic selector轉2號,使用內置咪,音量亦需適量調大,人在二尺外的聲音收得OK
最後,On Air鍵要按亮才會讓audio signal輸出到Tablet.
行某K歌App的電話由headphone out接入Tascam US32機前的line-in.
2.5mm headphone接入Tascam US32機前作監聽(其實有3.5mm headphone插口,不過我的monitor級headphone是open back會漏出聲音被再錄有欠理想)
Tascam US32機背接miniUSB線到USB charger供電,另一條跟機的USB cable則接到Tablet的Lightning USB adapter。
Tascam US32機面左方的mic selector轉2號,使用內置咪,音量亦需適量調大,人在二尺外的聲音收得OK
最後,On Air鍵要按亮才會讓audio signal輸出到Tablet.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Audacity and Mac OS X Catalina
I just updated my Mac to Catalina last week. (Long story short: my charger was acting up and all suggested methods to fix it were hit-or-miss so I thought I might as well update everything to latest, including the OS) The update warned me that Audacity would no longer work, which could be an issue since I use it for slowing down music during practices quite a bit. However, I guess there must be workaround to that so I ignore the warning and proceeded. Well, Audacity did refuse to launch after the Catalina update (I think my version was too old and still was 32-bit) So I installed the latest version, which runs but as users have already reported, recording via microphone didn't work, which required this workaround. Basically just need to run it like this at the Terminal:
open /Applications/Audacity.app/Contents/MacOS/Audacity
And grant microphone access to the Terminal.
Of course I put that in an executable shell script.
open /Applications/Audacity.app/Contents/MacOS/Audacity
And grant microphone access to the Terminal.
Of course I put that in an executable shell script.
Friday, January 17, 2020
NAMM 2020
幾年前曾有過衝動去結他show看看,找到以下文章,始終沒有去,本年初卻因為朋友邀請有幸去了音樂界最著名的trade show NAMM! 一月份的NAMM在南加州Anaheim一連四天舉行,我只有空去一天,就選了星期五,之前一晚「熱身」節目是看了Women of Fingerstyle guitar這個音樂會,除了大名鼎鼎的Muriel Anderson, 名氣稍遜的表演者如Yasmin Williams, Amber Russell和Becky Langan也帶來極多驚喜!畢竟這是相當冷門的一種音樂風格,我以前也看得不多(最有印象是在Moraga看了只有三個觀眾的Adam Miller演出)。星期五早上向場館進發,發現車只能泊在Angel Stadium再坐免費Shuttle過去(其實也甚方便),入場後看看主場館地下管樂器部份,聽到不少高人示範展商產品,後來方知那位光頭有型Saxophone手就是Greg Osby!之後在Yamaha的專區看了Grace Kelly表演Saxophone及一展歌喉,又看了朋友音樂中心的得獎學生演出,當真後生可畏!下午是「貢獻」給各大結他品牌了:主場館二三樓都以結他為主,很明顯地,和其他樂器比較下,結他廠家是NAMM的台柱,兩大品牌Gibson和Fender各有自己的「大房」,連PRS和Takamine等沒有那麼出名的品牌也有big presence!
而我印象比較深刻的是Godin的房,因為我自己彈開Godin 5th Ave, 結他手Edi Rogue的示範相當出色;還有Taylor,在那裡又有緣欣賞以前看過多次的著名爵士結他手Mimi Fox的精彩演出。
而我印象比較深刻的是Godin的房,因為我自己彈開Godin 5th Ave, 結他手Edi Rogue的示範相當出色;還有Taylor,在那裡又有緣欣賞以前看過多次的著名爵士結他手Mimi Fox的精彩演出。
Thursday, January 09, 2020
Takamine Factory Tour
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