Monday, July 28, 2014

Groups for adult classical musicians

Hate to say this but I have not played classical for a while. One big reason is that it's more fun to play with others (for jazz at least I have iReal Pro to play with, or myself recorded) but I had a hard time finding like-minded people. We are quite familiar with the local orchestras for kids but not so for people like me. Then I came across this article on Strings: Get Out of the Practice Room, which is about many organizations (like ACMP) for adult amateur classical musicians. And it mentioned the Really Terrible String Orchestra in East Bay. I will definitely give it a try in the future.

Friday, July 25, 2014

我的結他雜記: Martin Taylor/Julian Lage on improv and chord voicing

My mailbox has so many unread emails that I barely have time to catch up. I did subscribe to many music related newsletters. For example, I got emails from Artist Works, the online school where Martin Taylor teaches (Jimmy Bruno used to teach there) Mr. Taylor posted a free lesson demonstrating how to practice and use chord tones in improvisation over a common ii-V-I chord progression:
Coincidentally, from the Facebook page of Stanford Jazz Workshop (which I recently attended), there's a link to a video in which Martin Taylor and Julian Lage discussed chord voicing:

Speaking of Lage, his music keeps growing on me: I saw him performed with the Seasons Guitar Quartet and as a duo at Stanford Jazz last year. Lage and pianist Fred Hersch released a very impressive duet album: Free Flying. And things really came full circle when I listened to another link from SJW's FB page: a NPR interview of Fred Hersch!

Friday, July 11, 2014

我的結他雜記: Blues scale licks to learn

This is a sort-of followup to my previous posts about improv and learning blues-based tunes. I am recommending yet another useful post from jazz instructor Jamie Holroyd: Blues Scale Licks Guitar Study