Thursday, December 01, 2011

我的結他雜記: 買了好結他

Even though I planned to save enough money for an expensive archtop, I couldn't resist the temptation to buy a Godin 5th Avenue when it was on sale (~$450) during Thanksgiving. It's an acoustic guitar without pickup and tone control. The guitar actually sounded ideal for acoustic blues, which I'm learning a bit. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

我的結他雜記: 要買好結他


目前目標是老字號中檔貨色like a Gibson ES-137:

$2000 for a big brand name. It's 1 pound lighter than a Les Paul too. It's comfortable to hold (I mean the body is not huge) and the neck is comfortable to press. I also like the jazzy sound from the neck pickup. And it's not heavy. Very practical. Just wish it's more "pretty" You know, those big hollow-body archtop with tail piece look classier.

The Fender Japan Telecaster Thinline is another of my target:
Gold pickguard on white body with f-hole. Not cheesy but classy!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

我的結他雜記: 購買結他欲望停不了

I found out my Steinberger Spirit got some buzz when I played barre chord for the Berklee assignments. I'm not sure if I'm pressing the fretboard with the right pressure. I think it has more to do with the low E and A strings. In fact, even if I play single notes on these 2 strings, I need to be careful. Cannot press too hard and pick too hard or it will buzz. Fortunately, the buzz is not that noticeable when I record my playing for homeworks using the Korg Pandora. I like the Pandora a lot BTW. 
Anyway, seems like I have an excuse to buy a new guitar. Looked at these 2:

The former is about $350 after tax while the latter is about $1000. Basically, they model after Gibson ES-335 and ES-125.

ES-335 is played by both jazz, blues or even rock guitarist. According to that review, it's good with distortion. Feedback is not a problem.

ES-125 looks more like a jazz guitar. 

好想買支正宗jazz archtop,但人生好似又點都要買支ES335 style既結他,果支Peavey係cheap野,可以慳d錢。

About buying guitar, I think if I ever visit Japan, I'll check out those vintage (70s) Japanese copy of American guitar. Ibanez and Tokai copied quite a bit of Gibson, including ES335 and ES175 back then and they were of high quality. 聽講東京御茶之水有好多二手樂器店:
To fly the guitar back home, this might be useful:

Thursday, November 03, 2011

我的結他雜記: Dorian and Mixolydian

These are 2 very common scales (actually modes) mentioned in jazz tutorials.

There are 7 modes from a major scale. Let's say C major:
C Ionian mode (same as C major scale): C D E F G A B
D Dorian mode: D E F G A B C
G Mixolydian mode: G A B C D E F

The most common jazz chord progression is ii-V-I. So, in C major, they are
C maj 7
D min 7
G dom 7

I was often taught to improvise by playing C major (or Ionian) notes over the Cmaj7 chord
D Dorian over Dmin7 and G Mixolydian over G7.

But I was also taught to look at ii-V-I progression and the key it belongs to as a whole. Just play notes from C major over all 3. In fact, D Dorian has the same notes as C major. G Mixolydian too.

Yet another thing I learned is that playing D Dorian doesn't require learning another fingering. Just use C major fingering but start on the 2nd note instead. To play G Mixolydian, starts on the 5th note. 

On the other hand, Berklee DOES teach different fingering for Dorian and Mixolydian. To play a C Dorian, you simply change 1 of the 5 C Major fingering by lowering the 3rd and 7th. And A Mixolydian is almost the same as A Major except you lower the 7th

Back to the topic of playing jazzy, there are a few things:
1) plays 7th chord. So, if you see a I chord, play maj7 instead of maj. Play min7 for a ii chord and dominant 7th for a V chord.
2) solo over the chord tones including the 7th and sometimes plays half step below or above these chord tones.
3) swing the 1/8 notes.
4) Use our old friend the minor pentatonic scale (and blues scale). It could be played over many chord types:

Friday, October 28, 2011

This is Your Brain on Music

想讀這本書已有一段日子,當初在Ferry Building的書店看到,就覺得人腦如何處理音樂是一個複雜而有趣的題材,不過之後一直沒有去找來看,直至兩個月前到圖書館才借下來。一讀就讀了兩個月,畢竟該書性質上接近普及科學讀物多於消閒小品,不是太容易消化。作者Dan Levitin的背景也值得一提,現時他是在大學從事神經科學研究的教授,以前他卻是一位音樂人兼錄音師!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

我的結他雜記: Berklee Scale/Chord 101

顧家輝伍樂誠陳輝揚係Berklee College of Music讀過。我將會成為佢地校友,sort of。Berklee's online college is offering 爵士結他證書課程,共五個courses,盛惠~US$6400。雖然超貴(五個course合共60星期教學,人地大師網上 教jazz guitar都係US$60三個月咋)但係人生苦短,仲有命都係唔好咁計較,同埋我覺得人地鼎鼎大名,編製出黎既課程同練習方法點都有番咁上下卦。It teaches by showing class materials (words, pre-recorded video/audio and some flash animation) on their website and organized their contents lesson-by-lesson, also grading weekly assignments. The only interactive part is online chat session. 最緊要係,俾左咁多錢,會有心機做佢既練習,就算幾悶都會。其實除番即係一個星期每科一百美金,揾有料結他導師單對單教一個鐘都唔平得幾多。學音樂除非自學否則都係高消費喇。 
咁今個學期我學緊Chord 101同Scale 101。前者教major/minor/sus/aug/dim/dominant 7th等等triad同chord,仲有inversion,以前我買既書都有講,不過一直無心機記同練。我一向無乜掃chord,轉chord甚慢,做功課逼住死練,都有幫助既。今次真係學到野,佢有解釋barre chord點解係咁㩒,而家識得以前彈jazz tab死練果d chord其實係乜chord(dominant 9th, min7b5等等)。

Scale 101對我黎講易dd,因為都係教5隻major scale fingering,同以前練既大同小異;major scale(5 different fingerings)同minor pentatonic(2 fingerings)彈左咁多年,總算有d底。其餘果d major pentatonic, minor blues, dorian, mixolydian, harmonic minor, melodic minor,真係記到儍,唯有當防止老人痴呆囉。以前聽人講彈jazz improvisation,要12個key既以上任何一個scale,可以在條頸任何一處開始彈(仲要識得由中間既音開始,唔係次次都root)呢個境界就係呢個班既目標。我諗都急唔黎,希望日子有功啦。
每個星期每堂要做兩份功課,即係錄音上載俾老師評核。功課多數係跟tab彈,死練都OK,我會好似得個樣既歌星咁逐段錄,剪接技巧已經純熟。而且instructor俾分幾鬆手, 過關唔成問題。so far轉chord唔夠快,彈單音唔夠legato,後者正在努力改善,基本上都係左手手指唔好咁快攞起,但變左甩少少beat(墮後),不過d同學話墮 後少少好過d音斷下斷下喎。

睇番同班同學,自我介紹有 website有錄左佢地彈既野,彈結他既水平已經好高,真係professional,我諗佢地係想補番d theory,同埋follow下個structure,第時開班授徒可以參考添!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

我的結他雜記: Korg Pandora

I've bought the Pandora Mini. The amp modelling effect on the Pandora Mini was just ok. When I listened to it through headphone directly or thru my bass amp, it sounded kinda jazzy. But when I recorded it, it sounded kinda crappy (especially on chords) I actually used that external USB soundcard for recording since the Mini doesn't do it. I'm thinking about returning it and buy the "regular" Pandora instead. The regular Pandora is a USB soundcard itself and has more backing rhythms, also the ability to "cancel" the bass track for practicing bass.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

我的結他雜記: Jimmy Bruno and Robert Conti


佢已經將彈jazz guitar簡化左好多,入門教major scale同arpeggio,就可以即興solo,我都係覺得太難。即興彈得好唔似jazz。

track rhythm guitar黎夾,成日都會甩到唔知去左邊。