Monday, July 29, 2013

The new Yellowjackets bassist

I listen to jazz radio a lot. Usually the DJ plays a bunch of tunes and then introduces all players/groups of them. I wasn't listening carefully the other day but I did enjoy one of the tunes and I heard it was a new one from Yellowjackets. The DJ also mentioned a few players' name including one with the last name Pastorius. I didn't realize they are "connected" at that time until I went to the Solo Bass Night 5 concert, which was promoted by Bass Player. The promoter mentioned the next one they are going to would be Yellowjackets at Yoshi's, featuring Felix Pastorius on bass. All bass players know that Jaco Pastorius is the all-time greatest jazz/fusion bassist. However, I didn't know he has a son, Felix, who also plays jazz bass. I listened to the new Yellowjackets CD and also went to the show because I'm very impressed. (BTW, Felix joined the Yellowjackets as a replacement of long-time member Jimmy Haslip, who was interviewed by JazzTime for their article on the demise of smooth jazz that I mentioned before) I actually don't hear too much "smoothness" in the new CDs and at the concert. Another thing it got me thinking is: what is it like to have such a famous parent, the greatest ever on his/her instrument, and also playing the same instrument? Another one come to my mind immediately was Ravi Coltrane. It's easy to see that on one hand having a famous last name help one gets connected but on the other hand it must have brought an immense amount of pressure as well. I am very curious how they deal with it. I always wonder whether having a member in the family that is a great musician helps one's own playing or not. (In the case of Felix Pastorius, his father died when he was 5 so I supposed he has to figure out his father's stuff via records and video like everybody else) This interview with him was a really good read.

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