學Flamenco結他的念頭有了好幾年,不過這兩年忙於上Berklee的爵士結他課才暫時擱下。還記得最早接觸西班牙結他,源於十幾年前在香港坐雙層巴士樓上,聽兩位學生哥分享結他心得,他們先談major及minor,我都不感陌生;但接著他們又提到西班牙結他就是混合major及minor,對我相當新鮮;現在想來,他們指的應是Mixolydian b9b13,和natural minor差不多,但用major 3rd(似major scale)及minor 2nd。
言歸正傳,其實教Flamenco結他的老師比起教rock的少得多。我之所以找到這位老師,是因為他在本地Flamenco(歌及舞)協會開班。好不容易找到他的聯絡方法,請他教單對單。約好的地方是他的studio,該詞既可解作工作室,又可解作寓所,事先毫無頭緒;去到更是搲頭:地址是downtown一間餐廳!心想難道在台上教,即學即表演?原來老師的工作間位於餐廳後樓梯一角。一開始,讓他看看我那支thinline electric acoustic nylon guitar合不合格,除了細聲一點,問題倒不大。然後再請教一下正宗姿勢,原來和古典不盡相同,反正古典我也是自學,話改就改。接著叫我彈些東西,我當然事先預備了幾首,包括Tarrega的Lagrima(Preludio)以及Malaguena,不大見得人,只是讓老師了解一下程度罷了。
正式開始教彈第一首!他指正了我的右手姆指及中食指的彈法(雖然比起pick更常用,我的fingerstyle實在有限公司)然後逐個逐個bar的教,教了8個;原來Flamenco傳統是靠模仿來學,不是看譜,以前在西班牙學的窮等人家,連書也不會讀呢。之後再教8個bar的arpeggio,可以和以前那8個連續使用;原來表演Flamenco guitar就是把不同的pattern(第一首不是一曲而是一個名為Solea的pattern)自由組合,我想多練的話不久的將來應做得到(起碼不像即興爵士般遙不可及)而且強迫記憶,不會依賴睇譜,拿起結他就表演多麼有型呢!說不定有助防止老人癡呆。
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Al Molina, Strunz & Farah
An old schoolmate was in town. She's a huge jazz fan and immediately thought of me, "famous" for going to live jazz. Of course I (more like fellow performers in the bay area) didn't disappoint. Before the first show, I took her to Guitar Center on Van Ness for sheet music (the selection is small but still interesting enough) We also had oyster from the Swan Depot on Polk for our happy-hour. Then we drove to Brisbane (a city that I'm not familiar with. I've only been to Cow Palace to saw Twins' concert there years ago) and the 7 Mile House (which I've never been to but learned that it has been in business for 160 years, even earlier than the 100 year old Swan Depot!) However, when I arrived, I almost thought I was in the wrong place: it looked run-down and small. And I was hesitated to go in with my friend. In fact, if she's your typical HK chick, I would have left immediately. She's a seasoned world traveler though and actually convinced me good stuff is found from hidden gems like this! Man, she couldn't have been more correct. First of all, it also "doubles" as a sports bar with several games on big TV (baseball, hockey and basketball playoff!) Second, the food was pretty good. We shared a bowl of seafood. We were really surprised that all tables were reserved on a Tuesday night (we sat at the bar) When music started, we knew why: trumpeter Al Molina and his bands played top-notch jazz. His show was a tribute to great pianist Horace Silver. We sat so close to the trombonist that I could actually read his sheet music (and I did!) I found that the solo order for each instrument was written on the sheet music. I hesitated to write that down with my band but not any more.
The second show was at the world-famous Yoshi's, the one in Oakland. Avant garde jazz bassist William Parker was playing at Yoshi's SF, but I'm more interested in the world music/new Flamenco guitar duo Strunz & Farah (accompanied by a percussionist and a flautist/clarinetist) I have seen them live before but they have a huge catalog and also have new music coming out soon. I was impressed. So was my friend.
The second show was at the world-famous Yoshi's, the one in Oakland. Avant garde jazz bassist William Parker was playing at Yoshi's SF, but I'm more interested in the world music/new Flamenco guitar duo Strunz & Farah (accompanied by a percussionist and a flautist/clarinetist) I have seen them live before but they have a huge catalog and also have new music coming out soon. I was impressed. So was my friend.
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Chick Corea and the Vigil
I gave a hint that one of the two concerts I attended during the weekend was Chick Corea. He is certainly one of the biggest names in jazz today. You could be pretty sure it would be a good show. Indeed, I saw him with his group "Origin" many years ago. While I didn't find the music spectacular, it was a good show nevertheless. Same for one of his more recent album, Five Peace Band Live. I'm more impressed by his piano duet with the young Hiromi. He is the type of musicians that makes the others play better. He seems to be in a even better physical shape than I saw him last time. And I also enjoyed the music better this time.
One thing I really like is instead of drawing attentions to himself, the big star, he made the whole band shine, especially the up-and-coming guitarist Charles Altura, as well as the horn player Tim Garland. As a guitar player myself, I paid a lot of attention to the former. Here's a video of him playing with his group:
In addition to playing the same ES335 with Chick Corea, he also played a nylon acoustic and sounded great on it too.
I am really looking forward to hearing the new album from this group.
One thing I really like is instead of drawing attentions to himself, the big star, he made the whole band shine, especially the up-and-coming guitarist Charles Altura, as well as the horn player Tim Garland. As a guitar player myself, I paid a lot of attention to the former. Here's a video of him playing with his group:
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I am really looking forward to hearing the new album from this group.
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