Wednesday, March 27, 2013

我的結他雜記: Decoding KORG

I have been using my KORG Pandora PX5D for years with the presets only but I've decided to really look into its amp modelling capability. It used a bunch of cryptic names. I guess it's because KORG doesn't want to pay the original manufacturers the right to use their trademarks.

This is what I was able to guess and google:

  • TWD1X12 1x12” guitar combo covered in tweed cloth, should be Fender Tweed Deluxe
  • TWD4X10 4x10 guitar combo but designed for bass guitar, should be Fender Bassman
  • BLK2X12 2x12 guitar combo indispensable for country or blues players, could be Fender Twin Reverb
  • UKBLUES UK-manufactured vintage stack guitar amp head, could be Marshall 1962 Bluesbreaker
  • US HI-G 100 W guitar amp head covered in snake skin from 1991, could be Mesa Boogie Mark IV.
  • US MDN High-gain guitar amp with an eye-catching metal plate, could be Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier

1 comment:

檔主 said...

在找jazz 教材時, 找到你的blog,發現你遇到的問題跟我很像,所以留言鼓勵。
我也是買了很多教材(超過100),試過很多方法,也把樂理學到一定進階程度,但對jazz improvisation 還是只能舉白旗投降...
我現在仍在努力,雖然沒有以前那麼努力,但尚未放棄,試了那麼多方法,我發現還是自己transcribe 最有用, robert conti 那種方法我未試過,但我現在用mark stefani 的方法很類似,也覺得有用。這個網站也有很多練習jazz 的寶貴建議: 加油~