Thursday, November 08, 2012

我的結他雜記: 即興道

這不是甚麼新興武術,而是一個爵士即興教材的名字,我是從討論區這個得知。練習方法就是聽一個jazz lick(旋律),彈出來,然後按cycle of 4th把該lick轉足十二個key彈出來,教材包括伴奏的CD。可以想像得到,要練成跟到伴奏,必有一定功力;值得考慮試試。


Ken Tang said...

I still think we should begin with:-

(i) please the scale starting a notes (not necessary, subject to yor creativity) within a chord in a new bar. eg C, E, G on a C Major bar

(ii) the thing you are going to play has to be a fraction of a second before you play (ie the brain move to the future a little bit)...

let's jam this DEC!

BL said...

Yes, what you said in (i) is what I'm doing for the Jazz 201 class at Berklee. It's called 1-7 for playing from root to the 7th, 3-9 for 3rd to 9th, 5-11 for 5th to 11th. These are commonly used terms.