As I
mentioned earlier this year, I am learning how to play EWI. And it has been around 4 months! Just want to share some of my tips here. IMO, the #1 most important thing for playing the Akai EWI-USB doesn't have to do with blowing or fingering techniques but rather configuring the software correctly :P So, the EWI-USB relies on your computer to translate the signal from air and finger sensors to sound. Specifically, you play through the Garritan Aria software (on a PC, in my case) I found that the sound is a bit delayed (in technical terms: the latency is too high) using the default sound driver. The solution is using a ASIO driver. Even though some didn't recommend the free ASIO4ALL, it works for me. Once ASIO4ALL is installed, go back to the Aria software and change the Preference to look like this:
Make sure the check box next to "EWI-USB(in)" under "Input MIDI Devices" is checked! Sometimes my PC screwed this up and left it unchecked and thus no sound come out when I play the EWI (and I panic :P)
Another good feature of Aria that I make use of is transposing what I played to other keys (and stop worrying about the keys with many sharps and flats!) To transpose up or down, go to the "Control" tab and choose the semitone needed to get to the new key. It's especially useful when you get "real saxophone" sheet music that expected your instrument to be in Bb (Tenor) or Eb (Alto)